Chesterfield Waterside

Have you noticed that Chesterfield Waterside has a fresh new look? Our bold new branding can now be found on a suite of marketing material that we’ve developed in conjunction with new Chesterfield Champion – FWD Motion.

Designed to give a snapshot of different elements of the scheme – its location in Chesterfield, an overview of the project, to the Grade A office space which is soon to be available, the marketing material is all available to either read online or download at your convenience.

The 16ha, £340million Chesterfield Waterside development is the largest regeneration scheme in Chesterfield. Earlier this year, Avant Homes began construction on a range of hotly anticipated two, three and four-bedroom homes in the Waterside Quarter neighbourhood of the development. There is also a high level of interest in the office, hotel, residential and carpark elements in the Basin Square neighbourhood.

Chesterfield Waterside forms part of Chesterfield’s A61 Corridor Regeneration, which was granted “Highly Commended” status at the 2011 Regeneration and Renewal Awards for its approach to strategic planning and is the 47th largest regeneration project in the UK (Source: Regeneration and Renewal Magazine).

You can view or download all of the marketing material by clicking the following links:

About Chesterfield

About Chesterfield Waterside

Chesterfield Waterside office space

And, to ensure you’re the first to hear about any developments at Chesterfield Waterside, please sign up to our free newsletter by clicking the link ‘Connect with Waterside’ and using the box to enter your email address.

If you have any questions or queries about Chesterfield Waterside, please don’t hesitate to get in touch on 01246 260 206.

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